5 Tips for finding the right software for your business

So you’ve got a business problem and you think software will be the right solution. Whether it’s finding project management, stock control, time tracking or a mix of the above, there are a few tried and tested things you can do to zero in on one solution that’ll suit your needs.   

Figure out what you’re after

It might sound like a basic question to ask, but why is your business looking for a software solution in the first place? Really getting to grips on identifying your pain points can help you focus your search on the features you’ll need to solve that problem.

This process helps you eliminate options quickly by just asking ‘does this solve my problem?’. It helps keep research on point and stops you from getting swayed by the bells and whistles of software that doesn’t address your core issues. 

Chat with your team and decision-makers in your business and get a solid foundation of what issues they are facing on a daily/weekly basis. 

Get started on research

Now you know your priorities and objectives, it’s time to hit the keyboard and see what’s out there.

Tools like Google are effective for finding options but don’t be fooled by the search engine. The best solution for you might not be at the very top of page one.  Search engines drive ads above all others – that doesn’t necessarily mean the top five entries are the best product for you.

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Don’t forget to chat with your peers and check in with others that work within your industry to see their options. You may have some ideas already that you want to get their thoughts on. 

Check reviews to get honest feedback on the system too. While you can check these on the website, be wary of the fact that businesses have control over what they choose to share and hide on their own site. 

Narrow down the options

You might have found a fair few options on your “could work” list. Now it’s time to get serious and decide which are the most likely to improve your business.

You might only have one logical choice, but try not to exceed 3 or 4 solutions at the most. Too many choices lead to analysis paralysis. 

While it might feel more efficient to reach out to all your options at once, it quickly becomes messy as you lose track of who said what and how each system works. Giving yourself overload is never the most effective way, so give yourself the time to properly assess options before adding more to your plate. 

Start trialling

When you’ve picked your top options, it’s time to start your free trial. Take a look at how the system operates and how well it matches your objectives. This is the best way to see if the software matches up with how your team works. 

Work closely with your sales rep to find out the most you can during the trial and see how it can solve your problems. Find the limitations of the system and see how it will work for your business now, and where you see your business going in the future.

Let the experts help

If you’re too busy or feeling completely overwhelmed, reaching out to consultants like Rype can help you save time and find the right option with certainty. Working with Rype means you don’t have to do the heavy lifting, and you can even skip some steps altogether.

With years of experience implementing a huge variety of software platforms, we understand the strengths and limitations of the leading providers. At Rype, we can help you avoid options that won’t work and recommend solutions you might not have even considered 

By working with us, we can save you the constant back and forth of comparing software platforms and help with the set-up of your trial version for evaluation.

If you’re looking for new business software, get in touch with the Rype team to see how we can help.

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